Generate an invoice in Bookem

Bookem allows you to generate invoices for individual, or multiple bookings, straight from your calendar or invoices section.

How to invoice from your calendar

1. Go to your calendar

2. Select the appointment you want to invoice for

3. Click on 'New Invoice'

4. Bookem will auto-populate the invoice with the client and service information, codes and pricing

5. You can add or remove line items, copy a previous invoice, and edit pricing where required

6. Once you are happy with the invoice, select one of the following:

  • Finalise: This allows you to save the open invoice while keep the invoice open.

  • Finalise & close: This allows you to save the open invoice and close it.

  • Finalise & send: This allows you to send an unpaid invoice to the client.

  • Finalise & pay: This allows you to allocate payment and save the invoice. You will also be prompted to send a paid invoice if you do this.

This video shows how to generate an invoice and receive immediate payment, using Finalise & pay

How to invoice from the invoices section

1. Go to Accounts > Invoices

2. Click '+ New Invoice' in the top right corner

3. A blank invoice will open, where you can allocate a client and their booking with the search function

5. Bookem will auto-populate the invoice with the client and service information, codes and pricing, as set up in your line items for services

If you haven't done this yet, click here to learn how.

6. You can add or remove line items, copy a previous invoice, and edit pricing where required

7. Once you are happy with the invoice, select one of the following:

  • Finalise: This allows you to save the open invoice while keep the invoice open.

  • Finalise & close: This allows you to save the open invoice and close it.

  • Finalise & send: This allows you to send an unpaid invoice to the client.

  • Finalise & pay: This allows you to allocate payment and save the invoice. You will also be prompted to send a paid invoice if you do this.


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Invoicing is a Bookem Plus feature. Click here to learn more about Bookem Plus.